#AlbaBecause Scotland is a nation and should cease to be sub-nation within the UK, and the SNP haven't promoted or advanced the cause in 5 years, whilst having the best circumstances it could want if it did believe in #ScottishIndependence. #AlbaRising #ListVoteALBA
#AlbaBecause Scotland
deserves a sovereign Government that it wants every time, not just a tiny
proportion of the time. #AlbaRising #ListVoteALBA
#AlbaBecause Scotland
voted to stay in the EU but got dragged out against it's will despite the SNP
promising they wouldn't allow that to happen. #AlbaRising #ListVoteALBA
#AlbaBecause I've wanted #ScottishIndependence
since 1979 and #AlexSalmond is the only
person ever to get us even close. #AlbaRising #ListVoteALBA
#AlbaBecause I want women to retain their sex based rights and not have them eroded
with GRA and HCB, and that is speaking as a gay male. #AlbaRising #ListVoteALBA
#AlbaBecause Scotland
deserves a #ScottishIndependence
party that's internal democratic and not one completely diverted into personal
issues favoured by the party leader and her cabal. #AlbaRising #ListVoteALBA
#AlbaBecause Scotland deserves a publicly funded broadcaster that actually serves
it, and not undermines it like the #BBC. This will only happen with #ScottishIndependence which the #SNP has done very little about for 5 years. #AlbaRising #ListVoteALBA
#AlbaBecause they actually
know how the electoral system works for the Scottish Parliament, unlike the SNP
and most of Scotland. #AlbaRising #ListVoteALBA
#AlbaBecause Scotland should have a written Constitution
like most other countries, so certain principles can be enshrined and made less
subject to changes of Government. #AlbaRising #ListVoteALBA
#AlbaBecause Scotland's Government should be filled with
people of ability and achievement rather than just friends of the First
Minister. #AlbaRising #ListVoteALBA
#AlbaBecause Scotland is the richest country in Europe in
terms of natural resources, so why in many places is it so poor? #ScottishIndependence is urgently needed to rectify this. #AlbaRising #ListVoteALBA
#AlbaBecause we will actually have a good reason for converting
our money at the English border rather than just because of ignorance of
Scotland and it's systems by our neighbouring country. #AlbaRising #ListVoteALBA
#AlbaBecause I want England as a neighbour and not as an
overlord. And with the SNP it looks as though we will be in this position for
many years yet. #AlbaRising #ListVoteALBA
#AlbaBecause nuclear weapons shouldn't be based in Scotland
and only #ScottishIndependence can free us from having them. #ListVoteALBA #AlbaRising
#AlbaBecause Scotland deserves a party committed to early #ScottishIndependence in the Scottish Parliament. #ListVoteAlba #AlbaRising
#AlbaBecause Scotland deserves more than what can be
achieved under devolution, and the SNP seem very unlikely to go for #ScottishIndependence soon, and the need is urgent. #AlbaRising #ListVoteALBA
#AlbaBecause I want Scotland's MPs to settle up and not
settle down at Westminster. We see you Wishart, Blackman, McLaughlin, Alyn
Smith, etc. #AlbaRising #ListVoteALBA
#AlbaBecause I want #ScottishIndependence to stop myself and others being treated like
scum because we are long term ill. SNP have had the powers to do something to
help for some time but have done nothing as if this is unimportant. #AlbaRising #ListVoteALBA
#AlbaBecause Scotland can't afford another 5 years of
having it's resources by another country, and the SNP seem okay with this. #AlbaRising #ListVoteALBA
#AlbaBecause Scotland's current devolution will be undermined by the Internal Market
bill. As usual the SNP have complained but to no avail. The problem will only
be solved with #ScottishIndependence. #AlbaRising #ListVoteALBA
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