Sunday, 9 May 2021

Big Enough, Rich Enough, Smart Enough. The last one may now be in doubt for many or so it seems.

 Results of list from all over Scotland (via Denise Findlay and Grace Brodie)...

1094734 regional votes for the SNP resulted in 2 list seats
637131 regional votes for the Conservatives resulted in 26 list seats
485819 regional votes for the Labour Party resulted in 20 list seats
Now see why

both votes SNP is daft?

Why were Alba Party members threatened, vilified, personally insulted, and lots more for trying to state this?

Independence could have had about 20 extra seats if SNP folk had voted Alba on the List. But we are virtually dead in the water once again. Thanks SNP folk.

Big Enough, Rich Enough, Smart Enough? The last one may now be in doubt....

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