Wednesday 23 July 2014

Gains of Yes 6: Benefits and Social Security (or welfare as it now seems to be called to stigmatise the poor and vulnerable)


I am for YES because I believe the current victimisation of the poor in general and those on benefits is morally bankrupt in a rich country like ours. 

In what universe, barring the old Westminster Etonians, is it okay to victimise those who are in genuine need, such as the poor, the ill and the disabled, whilst giving those at the top of the tree a tax cut? 

The Scottish Government in its present form can only mitigate some of the effects of things like the iniquitous Bedroom Tax which it has done. 

However it can do nothing about the Employment and Support Allowance Ability for Work Assessments, currently run by ATOS, which routinely find people assessed as too ill to work by their GP, hospital consultants, etc. as 100% fine. Indeed the assessment centre in the centre of Glasgow has now become known by some as Lourdes as you go in ill and come out miraculously cured (at least as far as the DWP go but unfortunately not in any other reality).

It can do nothing about Job Seekers Allowance claimants being sanctioned for no reason and being left with no income whatsoever, hence the rise in foodbanks, begging and the need for payday loan companies. 

Each change made to the benefits system by Westminster seems to make it less fair and the only motivation seems to be to save money and to hell with the people forced to depend on it. 

This regime is likely to continue under any circumstances at a UK level with either the Conservatives, Labour, Liberal Democrats or UKIP all agreeing in principle to this iniquitous systematic demonisation and victimisation of the poor, sick and vulnerable.

Only by voting YES are things likely to be changed. A NO vote would doom the people who depend on social security benefits to misery and despair. 


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